Bidvest Catering makes a commitment to its customers that the products sold are safe, nutritious, of the highest quality, and is value for money. Minimum controls are to be put in place to specify the control over the purchasing, storage, preparation, production and serving processes.
Implementation of standard practices provides assurance to the consumers that the products supplied are safe for consumption and meets the requirements of the agreed specifications. In addition, the standards provide the customer with a high degree of confidence in our production operations. Ultimately, quality products always sell at consistently greater rates than those produced.
Bidvest Catering units shall comply with the minimum standards based on legislative requirements as set by Act. 54 of 1972 Foodstuffs, Cosmetics & Disinfectants Act.

We need to ensure that all practical steps are taken to prevent the contamination of the food product and environment by pests, by ensuring a valid agreement is in place with a service provider whom will conduct inspections for all pests throughout the site, off-site storage areas and buildings.
The Chemical Manufacturer/Supplier shall comply with SABS 1828 requirements. Disinfectants and detergent disinfectants shall be registered with SABS 1853.
Limit the staff members working in any area to a minimum. All staff shall have thorough training regarding food safety and the general principles of high-risk food production.

Every person engaged in a food handling area shall maintain a high degree of personal hygiene while on duty. Wearing of clean, protective clothing with outer pockets above the waist, which are sewn shut and/or removed when handling food or equipment and on entering any food production area. Clean protective clothing shall be worn at the start of each shift.
Hands shall be washed on a regular basis during food manipulation, with special emphasis given to the hand washing practice, before commencing food handling duties, after using a toilet, after using a handkerchief, combing the hair or touching other parts of the body (e.g. nose, mouth, eyes and ears), before handling cooked foods (and particularly after handling raw food), after drinking or eating and after handling dirty equipment, particularly refuse bins.
Hand washing stations shall be readily accessible, be used properly and shall not be used for any other purpose other than the washing of hands. Access to all hand wash facilities shall at all times be unobstructed with suitable drying devices and foot/hand drips where applicable.

Food handlers shall not wear any jewellery.
Food handlers shall not take personal items such as handbags, purses, wallets, etc. into the food production areas. They shall be provided with personal storage areas or lockers.
Adequate working space shall be provided to allow for satisfactory performances of all operations by means of a regulated flow in the process. This is from arrival of raw food material at the premises to the delivery of the finished product.
All equipment and utensils used in food handling areas and those which may come into contact with food, shall be made of material that does not transmit toxic substances, odour or taste, or cause colour changes. It shall be non-absorbent, corrosion resistant and capable of withstanding repeated cleaning and disinfecting.
The production facility shall carry out internal audits to verify whether hygiene activities comply with planned arrangements, and to determine the effectiveness of the hygiene management system.